ഈ സൈറ്റിന്റെ പ്രവർത്തനം നിർത്തി. ഇതിലെ വിവരങ്ങൾ പുതിയ സൈറ്റിലേയ്ക്ക് മാറ്റി. അവിടം സന്ദർശിക്കുക..

Kerala PSC Helper GK
സന്ദർശനത്തിന് നന്ദി


What is the full name of U.R.Ananthamurthy?
Answer :- Udupi Rajagopalacharya Ananthamurthy

1.  Ananthamurthy was one of India's best known writers and thinkers both within India and abroad.
2. He was a celebrated English professor, acclaimed writer, admired activist and a loved mentor to many.
3. Born at Melige village in Thirthahalli taluk of Shimoga district in 1932,.
4. Ananthamurthy became vice chancellor of Mahatma Gandhi University at Kottayam in Kerala in the late 1980s.
5. He was also the chairman, Kendra Sahithya Academy, National Book Trust and the Film and Television Institute of India, Pune.
6. He was also the Chancellor of Central University at Gulbarga in Karnataka.
7.  His main works include Samskara, Bhava, Bharathi Pura,  Avasthe,  Sooryana Kudure (The Grasshopper), Mowni (Silent Man), Karthika, Bara" (Drought) etc..

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